A few years back, at the time of delivering a speech, no presentations were used. However, nowadaysย while delivering a speech, a PowerPoint Presentation is oftenย used. In fact, these days it has become very important to create a presentation to make people listen to your speech.

connect your speech to your presentation


Here are a few effective tips to make your audience connect with your speech with an effective presentation:

First of all, the beginning needs to be very effective. The first slide of your presentation should not be dull and have merely some brief necessary information quoted on it. This would make the audience aware about the topic of speech. The color and font on the introductory slide must be chosen very carefully. It is generally suggested to start the speech with an interesting quote or a question so as to get the attention of the audience.

Secondly, it is recommended to create an effective presentation for your speech, you must use a lot of pictures related to the speech. This would surely help you to connect your audience with your speech and make it more interactive and interesting too. Remember, majority of people these days do not like to simply listen, however they like to watch something related to what they are listening.

Professional speakers and presenters always advise to choose your words wisely. PowerPoint presentations do not look attractive if you incorporate more than enough words in it. It is always good to use words as minimum as possible. And, choose the words that would impact your audience greatly. You can also choose a single word to depict the whole line.


In order to make your presentation more attractive and make the audience connect to your speech, you must make an effective use of videos and animations. This would surely impact the listeners sitting in the auditorium. You can even incorporate various visuals related to your speech to make it more interesting and interactive.

Finally, you need to finish the speech interestingly. You can end up asking an interesting question to your audience or can even end up with a famous quote. To end aย presentation, you can use pictures.