7 Easy Steps To Prepare A Military Retirement Speech

Military retirements are the long-established occasions that are purposely organized to recognize people who dedicated their lives to the service of their nation. It gives the retiree an opportunity to leave some lasting impression of his/her personality, with a memorable military retirement speech. Therefore, one will absolutely wish to present a speech that gets all the โ€œparting-shotsโ€ in including, all interesting and inspiring moments of his or her career.

Preparation requires time, creativity and inspiration, to make it worth remembering. One should make use of words that would convey the exact message. But, preparing for it randomly is never advisable, if you want it to be successful. Planning along with some simple guidelines are the โ€œmust-haveโ€ factors that aid in delivering the best part of your life in front of your friends and colleagues. Below are 7 steps that can help you in preparing an excellent military retirement speech.


1. Spend Time in Preparing the Content

Firstly, it is very important to decide on the type of speech that you want to deliver. Do you want it to be touching or you want the audience to laugh at? This is one of the crucial factors to consider. Then, to gather the content, you can seek help from your colleagues, superior personnel for contributions and achievements about the retired personnel for highlighting it in your speech.

2. Check for Common Drawbacks in Your Speech

Most of the time, while collecting material and preparing the speech, many people end up stuffing a lot of things. Never elongate your presentation with boring stuff and always try to keep it concise. Public speaking tips can help newbie military presenters to learn how to tell a story and convey the message effectively.

Steps To Prepare A Military Retirement Speech

3. Practice it Beforehand

Practice makes the man perfect. Hence, before presenting it in front of your listeners, rehearse as much as you can. Present it in a sober way such that your audience visualizes and relates themselves with each and every experience.


4. Don’t Get Nervous

Relax and leave all your tensions before going for the presentation. Focus on the message you want to convey. Instead of showing nervousness, remember giving a smile before proceeding. Making eye contact with the audience is equally important.

5. Setting a Tone

Once you are done with the content preparation, setting the tone is another important step. Talk about great parts of your career, your inspiration, your motivation and other similar things to keep your audience fully engaged.

6. Include Retirement Wishes

After compiling the entire speech, make sure you present tangible retirement gifts to your colleagues to bid on your wishes.

7. Use a Good Presentation Background

If you are supporting your speech with a PowerPoint presentation or Keynote, make sure to find an appropriate background that resonates with the topic and audience. A good military PowerPoint background can help to convey your message and support your speech successfully.

Presenting a retirement speech as a part of military services is one of the admirable phases of oneโ€™s life. Therefore, make sure it’s something that the attendees remember for the rest of their lives. The tips presented in this article can help you to make the retirement ceremony a one that is memorable.