As you all must have heard of it, marriages are made in heaven. But, when time comes to solemnize the beautiful relationship of a much-in-love couple, there are mixed emotions. No one can deny that it is the most special and majestic moment of a person’s life, but still there is some kind of queasiness especially regarding the wedding day speech.

From rituals to toasts, a number of ceremonies are involved during the course of nuptial celebrations. However, wedding speech is one part that everyone looks forward to with joy, excitement and a little bit of nervousness. Even though anyone inclusive of the Best Man, Father of the Bride, friend or any close relative from family can deliver a speech but, it is the Groom whose words are most awaited on this beautiful occasion.

wedding speech tips

Since the day belongs to him and his beloved so, the Groom is supposed to make it all the more meaningful by giving a captivating speech. But, the twist is that the speech has to be delivered before an eager audience of friends and family. So, even though you are going to present a casual speech but still a level of decorum needs to be maintained, which can be a bit mystifying.

This is why, the text that follows, primarily concentrates on how to enliven your wedding day with a memorable speech. Go ahead and read further…

  • To get started with, you are supposed to raise a toast to the bride and maid of honor. So, take this gesture seriously! In fact, you can start your speech from here only by confessing your love before the lady. Make her feel as special as you can by letting her know of it as to how she completes your life. But, don’t get too lovey-dovey as it may not look authentic.
  • Secondly and most importantly, don’t forget to thank all those people who have gathered there to take part in your celebrations. Here, you are also supposed to thank the lovely friends and family who were involved in the wedding day preparations.
  • Moving further, don’t make an undue attempt to add irrelevant humor. Just be natural, stay true to your character, speak from your heart and give an engaging speech that does not make your audience feel like an alien.

Above all, keep it short, but meaningful like a fairy tale that is supposed to have a happy ending.