Bidding farewell is always a difficult task, a rush of emotions and thoughts clouds your mind and you tend to blurt out things that you might regret. In a professional environment farewells are more of a way to say thank you as well as keeping things cordial while you are moving on in your career.

farewell speech


The best way to give a good farewell speech is to follow these simple rules and by the time you are done with your speech things would have already fallen in place and you would be remembered for the speech.

Step 1: Keep it simple

Since you are about to bid adieu to the organization and people you have worked with for a considerable period of time it is obvious that there would be memories that you would cherish and people you would remember all your life but keep the speech simple and try not to get carried away. Keep your speech brief and to the point.

Step 2: Start on a โ€œThank You Allโ€ note

Always make sure that you start the speech by thanking all the people who have gathered to bid farewell to you and then move over to all your co-workers, your bosses and everyone else in the organization that you have worked at any level. Last but not the least add a pinch of gratitude for the organization that you have been working with.

Step 3: Be upbeat and share stories

Sharing old stories and experiences that you have had over the years while working in the organization, always gives your speech a personal touch and keeps it engaging. Make sure you share witty and funny experiences and things that have helped you grow. Be enthusiastic and upbeat while you deliver the speech and do not let it become monotonous.


Step 4: Tell them what you will miss the most

Share all the things you like about the organization and the people that you have worked with. Make sure they know that you enjoyed working with them and mention all the things that you would miss about working with the organization.

Step 5: Closing the speech

A good closure would give your speech impact and depth and help you leave a mark on your audience and plays an equally pivotal role as a good opening. Never forget to write a brief yet adequate closure paragraph for your speech. You do not want to end the speech abruptly. Thank everyone for all they have done and all the good times and bid adieu to the organization on cordial terms.