Be it a school debate or workplace discussion, any form of public speaking is not meant to be a war of words where you go out and impose your thoughts on the audience. On the contrary, it is supposed to be a healthy discussion where the speaker is responsible for educating listeners and spreading awareness.

As for debate, it gives you a convenient medium for expressing your opinion in front of a bigger audience and clearing your stand over a particular topic. However, it has been noticed that speakers tend to get into unnecessary scuffles during the course of debate presentations. So, it is essential to understand that your focus should remain on preparing the content so well that it eventually gets noticed.

Effective Debate Presentations

For a better impact, you can even make use of slides. By means of PowerPoint presentation, you can add a visual appeal to your information and can even quote comparisons via graphs which can lend a better influence. Further, it can act as a reference note, just in case you skip a specific info.

To make it more clear, following text highlights the ins and outs of how to create effective debate presentations to support your argument:

  • To begin with, carefully organize your data with complete evidence. Get as much deeper into the research work for your presentation as you can to get hold of up-to-date statistics that can support your argument.
  • After the collection of facts, it is time for structuring the information in such a manner that it proves advantageous for you. Incorporating phrases and metaphors can be beneficial! But, steer clear off the facts that you are not sure of.
  • During the course of presentation, keep a check on your body language, for it should neither be provoking nor relaxed. But, maintain your composure! Your hand movements and voice tone must always leave a positive impression.
  • In debates, there is one more thing that deserves your attention which is presence of mind. Always keep your senses awake, listen to the opinion of others and be ready to improvise your presentation on the spot. On the whole, react quickly and effectively.
  • Conclusion needs to be as influential as the introduction. Make sure that the end of your debate gives some homework to your audience.

Plan your debate script in a way that when your audience leaves, it is your thoughts that they deliberately want to agree to.