PDF Highlighter is a PDF viewer for iPad which provides robust annotation and PDF viewing options. The available features in this PDF viewer are so useful that it can perhaps be considered one of, if not the best PDF reader for iPad. With PDF Highlighter you can add notes, draw freehand sketches and highlight PDF documents. The added annotations can also be viewed when the document is moved to other devices, be it a PC or Mac computer. Another very handy feature of this app is cloud integration, which makes it possible to import files directly from a Dropbox account and to initiate instant Wikipedia lookups.

PDF Highlighter App For iPad

Multi-Purpose PDF Reader

PDF Highlighter is the kind of app that can be used for various purposes and can fulfill various needs for different kinds of users. For example, some people may require highlighting notes for a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation on their iPad, when reading PDF documents for research. Similarly, the app may be used for preparing for an exam by reading important parts of your course, highlighted beforehand using PDF highlighter. It might be a little far fetched to say but PDF highlighter might also be a good app for presenting PDF Presentations via iPad.


PDF Highlighter

Add Text Notes, Voice Memos, Sketches And Highlight Passages

When a passage of the document is highlighted or a user adds a text note, sketch or voice memo, the annotations are saved to the PDF file, which can later be viewed on other devices using common PDF readers like Adobe Reader or the Mac Preview.

Add Text Notes, Voice Memos, Sketches And Highlight Passages

Lookup Words From Wikipedia And Import Documents Via Dropbox And iTunes

One of the most convenient features of this app is the ability to import documents using Dropbox or iTunes. Among other features, you can use the integrated browser for quick access to linked web pages and even initiate a Wikipedia lookup for a specific word.


Import Documents Via Dropbox And iTunes

PDF Highlighter works only with iPad devices running iOS version 4.0 or later.

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