Be it a civil dispute or business rivalry; legal proceedings within the walls of courtroom get exaggerated unnecessarily. From hiring a legal counselor andย gathering evidences to ensure proper documentation; all the activities waste a lot of time, besides obviously being frustrating. It is for this reason that an increasing number of people are looking up to mediators for help.

ย  Mediation Presentation

Now, who is a mediator? In layman’s terms, mediator is a conflict resolver whose main aim is to settle down issues between people outside the court room, by taking neutral decisions. He/ she is supposed to be a bridge between the two parties for finding a satisfactory answer to their concerns so that a convincing state of equitable solution can be reached. As such a mediator is responsible for:

  1. Chalking down the points of concern of both the sides, so as to gain a clear understanding into the whole matter.
  2. Finding facts and evidences in support of his/her argument so that a middle ground can be reached where both the sides agree.
  3. Mediation is meant to be a settlement opportunity. That’s why; mediator makes it a point to help you avoid lengthy legal options.

It’s been long enough that the help of mediators is sought for successfully reaching a point of agreement. But, the job of a mediator is never easy. Amidst the responsibilities mentioned above, the person is accountable for building presentations. Yes, you heard it right! To create a better impact, you are expected to resolve conflicts with an effective mediation presentation as it makes your thought process more clear and relatable.

However, many of us may get surprised here with the notion of mediation presentation. So, the following text is going to lay focus on the how-to of what exactly goes into making a good presentation for the purpose of mediation.

  • To get started with, you need to collect requisite information after careful research and analysis, followed by giving that information the shape of well organized slides. Even though scoring a perfect ten-on-ten in designing is not the focus of your presentation but then, the slides should be fairly engaging and appealing.
  • Secondly, under this category, you can make use of animation, pictures, visual clips and short stories so as to demonstrate the exact situation with clarity. Provided you don’t overly stuff your slides, this stint can prove really beneficial.
  • As a presenter or we can say here, as a mediator, you need to control your temperament. At every point of time, stay calm, polite and focused and refrain the two groups from entering into scuffles as much as you can.

The objective of a mediation presentation is to reach an amicable point of conclusion. So, keep that in mind and do your job the best way possible.