PowerPoint has become one of the top trending applications not only for business but for various other purposes too. Regardless of its efficiency, there may be times when you might seek some solutions to recover the corrupted PowerPoint files.

So, in order to cater such needs different tools and software have been developed that can help in recovering corrupt PowerPoint presentations. Recovery for PowerPoint is a utility designed to recover corrupt PowerPoint files.


Recovery for PowerPoint

It is a utility tool that has been designed and developed exclusively to repair the corrupted PowerPoint presentations and supports the files created in Microsoft PowerPoint 97, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2010. Moreover, it can work proficiently with the file formats like PPTX, PPS and PPT.

Recover corrupt PowerPoint files

This tool makes use of a simple interface that crawls through the process of recovery by simply prompting the user about the information like the recovery location and the corrupted file. Finally, the data recovered is saved into a new PowerPoint presentation.

Here are some standard features, systems requirements and limitations of Recovery for PowerPoint:


Standard Features

  • Full support for install and uninstall
  • Extracting master slides
  • Every version of MS PowerPoint is supported, right from 97 to 2010
  • Placeholders and text recovery
  • Slide animation recovery
  • Capable of extracting data through โ€œfast-saveโ€ documents
  • Text formatting recovery too such as text color, type face, style and font size
  • Embedded images recovery
  • Layout and structure of the presentation restoration
  • Gradient files inside shapes are also restored

System Requirements

  • Display of 640 x 480 or higher resolution with 256 colors
  • A minimum of 10 MB free space on Hard Disk is necessary for installation
  • 256 MB to 1024 MB RAM
  • Operating system can be Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7. It also supports Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008. However, Windows 95, 98 and ME are not supported.


The following things are not recovered through Recovery for PowerPoint

  • Lists
  • Encrypted files
  • VB objects
  • Notes
  • Implemented OLE objects

You can get the demo version for free, while the full version, comprising of every exclusive feature, is paid.

Go to Download Recover for PowerPoint