In a very short period of time we have seen some leaps and bounds in the ability of cloud services to deliver effective online support for editing Office files. Much of those editing features are owed to web apps from Office Online and Google Drive. Even famous cloud services like Dropbox and Box use Office Online APIs to provide support for editing Microsoft Office files from the cloud.

Box Edit Lets You Edit Office Files from Box.Com Using Desktop Office Apps

While cloud based editing might not be a bad thing, itโ€™s still deprived of some core features offered by desktop apps. If you are a user who intends to edit Word, Excel or PowerPoint files directly on your desktop to make use of more robust editing features, then you need Box Edit.


Box Edit

Note: Should you choose to edit files directly from the cloud, you can opt for Office Online option in your Box account, e.g. you can open your PowerPoint files using PowerPoint Online. In case you want to use Box Edit, see instructions below.

One of the drawbacks about files is that when you print them, the speaker notes are not printed, however you can always print speaker notes in PowerPoint using the Notes Slides view.

Step 1 – Preview Files

To get started open a preview for any of your Office apps from your Box account. You will be asked to either open the file online or to install Box Edit. Click Install Box Edit.


Related: Edit & Save Google Drive Files from Desktop Office Apps

Install Box Edit for editing Office files

Step 1 – Download and Install Box Edit app

Download and install the Box Edit app from the given link.

Download Box Edit


Step 3 – Complete the Setup

Run the installer file to install Box Edit. The process is as simple as installing any common Windows desktop app. In other words, just hit โ€˜Nextโ€™! Box Edit also has a version available for Mac.

Installing Box Edit desktop app

Step 4 – Open File on your Desktop

Once Box Edit is installed, you can open any Box file via your desktop Office apps. For example, if you want to open a PowerPoint presentation, select Open this file on your desktop (as shown below).

Open PowerPoint file on desktop

Step 5 – Edit your File in PowerPoint and Save It

This will open the file using the desktop edition of the respective Office app.

Launching app in PowerPoint


After that, whenever you save your file, the changes will be made real-time, directly to your account.

Save PowerPoint presentation directly to Box

Edit Box Files Directly via MS Paint, PhotoShop and AutoCad

Using Box Edit you can not only edit Box.Com files using PowerPoint, Word or Excelย but even open supported files directly from Box to edit in MS Paint, PhotoShop or AutoCad app installed on your computer.

Edit PhotoShop files using Box edit