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5+ Tips to Use Microsoft Excel like a Pro

Microsoft Excel has advanced a lot these days and there are numerous features in it that help in enhancing the proficiency and capability to work effectively. Here are a few tips that every user must check outย toย become a Microsoft Excel professional.

How to Recover a PowerPoint Presentation File from the Temp folder

Have you ever spent hours working on a PowerPoint presentation, only to accidentally close it before saving your hard work? It’s a situation that most of us have encountered at least once. Thankfully, all hope is not lost. Windows stores a temporary file of your unsaved work in the TEMP folder, and you can recover […]


How Can A Recruiter Win With The Interview Presentation Slides?

Description: Presenting slides for an interview can be nerve-racking. Especially if you aren’t good with people or it’s a big deal on the line. Not to worry, read on to get helpful tips to know before presenting. Presenting an interview using slides to a prospective client can be a little daunting. Things can go wrong […]

How to Make a Word Cloud for PowerPoint or Google Slides

Word clouds are a great visualization tool that shows the popular words in a document in bigger size, and helps to get in a glimpse what are the predominant words. The more a specific word appears in the data, the bigger it appears in the tag cloud. In the past, many word cloud generators depending on […]

8 Tips for Making Effective PowerPoint Presentations for College Students

Students are often asked to deliver a presentation as part of their coursework. It may involve displaying a project, showing your work with reading materials, or presenting your research findings. Regardless of the goal, your PowerPoint presentation should be effective in delivering the intended message. Here are eight tips that will help you craft a […]

How to Create a QR Code for PowerPoint Presentations

There are many ways to create a QR Code image, and you can embed QR Code in PowerPoint slides, for example, to display the code on a product detail page, thank you slides or the final contact us slide. This can be very convenient and viral to get the attention of people who have their […]
