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Modern Images PowerPoint Template

When making presentations with a lot of images it can be hard to adjust all images in the slide in a manner that does not make the slide look cluttered. This is where a professionally crafted PowerPoint template can help you get the job done more elegantly. The Modern Images PowerPoint Template is an animated […]

Animated Cute Monsters PowerPoint Template

Monsters can be cute, cuddly and perfect for making your presentations more interesting! Character Expressionย is the name of a template that comes with cuddly monsters represented in different moods. This animated cute monsters PowerPoint template is just what you need to add a touch of humor to your presentations by using the given animated charactersย to […]


Animated Tabbed PowerPoint Template

Since PowerPoint is yet to sprout tabs like most modern applications, we have been providing you with various workarounds to get tabs for PowerPoint. In previous posts we showed you how to add tabs to Microsoft PowerPoint, as well as brought you tab themed PowerPoint templates. More recently, we came across the Tab Navigation Presentation […]

What is a Keynote Speech?

When youโ€™re in a gathering, a conference, or any other business event, you may notice that there is always someone to talk at length somewhere at the beginning. This person is called a keynote speaker. However, not everyone really knows what a keynote speaker is, and how it is defined against all other types of […]

Animated PDCA Cycle PowerPoint Template

A Deming Cycle aka PDCA Cycle refers to a four step business methodologyย of continuous improvement. PDCA entails planning according to set goals, executing the plan (Do), checking results to see if desired results are being achieved, and to act accordingly. For those of you looking to make slide decks based on the Deming Cycle, you […]

Medical Infographics Maker PowerPoint Template

Medical infographics are the trickiest to make on your own, especially for presenters. This is because making infographics might require some expert level PowerPoint skills, as well as the need to organize various parts of the human body organized in visual format to elaborate upon different types of organs, diseases, remedies, etc. If you want […]
