It is actually difficult to keep your audiences’ interest intact during a presentation. Especially if they are meant to be shown and lectured on many topics one after the other, they are sure to get bored and if you do not have anything interesting or unique then, they might even get annoyed.

The tricks are many but they have all grown old and your listeners very well understand which ploy are you trying on them. In these circumstances, there is only your skill and talent of communication that can save your day.

Here is an overview of some guiding tips, that will keep the audience, absorbed and impressed in your conversations:


Understand the Audience’s Mentality

The age-group, social background, geographical and locational factors of your listeners are vital. It is when you are able to understand and contemplate these domains, you will decipher, what to speak and how to put forward your points.

Create Your Presentation, Do Not Copy

There are many options to download and in big corporate organizations, there are people who have been designated for these jobs. But when you make your own presentations, then you are able to demonstrate it better.

In case you are highly occupied and cannot prepare one. Then make certain that you provide a detailed description and requirements to the individual creating it for you.

Do practice and understand the layout and chronology of the slides, so that the audiences do not feel that you are yourself, not acquainted withย  the content.


Carry Out Set-up and Preparations in Advance

Reach the venue a little earlier and cast a glance at the room, so that you can plan the seating arrangements and also carry out timely setting-up of the devices.

Understand the operating mechanisms and if possible you can also practice a little on the spot.

Create a Rhythm and Maintain the Pace

After this preliminary groundwork, it is time for you to face the judges. They are the ones you need to charm and keep amused.

When carrying out the demonstration, maintain a rhythm between your speech and the movement of the slides.


Go like a story-teller, modulating, pausing and expressing yourself to the best of your ability. Look into the eyes of the audience and you will understand how much are they interested in your words.

Even of you feel that some are about to doze-off then instead of losing confidence immediately think of tactics to revive them back into the room.

Be a Good Listener Too

Your job is not to lecture but to converse and conversation takes place when there is exchange of ideas from both sides.

Hence, speak and listen to others too.

There are a few tips that you can include:

  • Some illustrations, cartoon strips or video will ornament the exhibition
  • If you are able to present some interesting facts and latest data and information, that will be a good learning experience
  • Collecting feedback, creates a good impression in the audience’s mind.