Comparison and contrast essays are one of the biggest types in academic writing. These are created by keeping some specific question in mind and are comparatively easy to complete. The main purpose of these types of writings is to analyze the differences and similarities of two different subjects in such a way that they are both thoughtful and convincing.

Now, what is the process of writing a comparison and contrast essay? Well, if you want your readers to enjoy this type of writing then you are required to follow some set of rules and instructions. Usually, many beautiful creations like these fall prey to poor structure so if you want to make it reader-friendly then you have to use the right format.

Writing A Comparison And Contrast Essay

Let’s discuss this process of writing such an essay:

  • The first and the foremost step in writing such an essay is the selection of two subjects. Pick the two topics in such a way that these can be easily compared.
  • In the next step, you have to make a good research on your selected subjects so that you can easily explain the grounds on which your topics are similar and different.
  • Once you are done with these two basic steps you are required to outline your essay effectively. This will enable you to jot down your ideas in correct manner by following some specific sequence.
  • Form a proper introduction for your essay. It must cover the basic information about the chosen subjects. This will give a brief idea to your readers about what actually you are going to discuss.
  • Divide your writing in different sections or body paragraphs. This is done to ensure better clarity about the topics. This will contain proof and evidence in relation to two selected subjects. Try to organize them first on the basis of point by point comparison and then on subject to subject comparison.
  • After the collective discussion, explain the two topics differently by organizing individual body paragraphs.
  • Last but not the least, give your essay a powerful ending by concluding it with all the relevant points.ย  Put forward the summary of all the presented evidence and end your essay in a proper way.

Henceforth, if you are going to write an essay of this type then don’t forget to follow the above discussed points in order to make your writing more interesting and reader-friendly.