One of the most common problems that professionals face is managing events, happening in different time zones. It happens more often than not that the time estimation goes wrong and the dominos start to tip.

Time Zone Synchronization for Better Productivity

One of the easiest ways to keep time on your fingertips is using Miranda. An application designed specifically to take your time zone management worries away. Whether you are an entrepreneur, project manager, off shore employee, a presenter giving a webinar or someone who travels a lot, you can make good use of Miranda to ensure that you are able to get things done on time,ย for all time zones that are important for you.


Miranda time management app for iphone

The application is designed for iOS and allows you to find the time in other time zones based on the time at your location. This relative time synchronization allows you to easily synchronize events in accordance with their time of occurrence in a location millions of miles away.

Sync Global Events With Your Current Time Zone

The application offers an easy to operate interface. You can easily select your location or allow the application, to automatically detect it. Once that is done, you can select any location and the time would be synchronized in accordance with your selected time. There are two basic themes available, black and white, both of which have been designed superbly.

The user can also select the day and night feature by swiping down the add city menu. This would change the theme between white and black based on whether it is day or night at your location.


Easy Time Adjustment Options

The application has a clean and crisp user interface and offers a dual time format i.e. both the 12-hour as well as 24-hour formats are available and you can easily switch between them based on your convenience. The time can easily be adjusted using the dial provided on the right side of the screen.

If you are looking for absolute precision then you can press and hold the dial and it will expand into other more fine options.

Schedule Events in Your Calendar

The application takes scheduling tasks to a completely new level. You can easily copy the time on the clipboard and along with it the date, the event and its details get copied. This allows you to schedule the event in your calendar just by pasting all of the details there.

With all these amazing features and more, Miranda is the best productivity appย for time synchronization for various time zones using your iPhone.

Go to Download Miranda for iOS