Modern designs have taken the digital world by storm. It is hard to find a website, operating system or application which does not have some elements of the Modern UI and PowerPoint is no exception. Therefore, we compiled a list of Modern design PowerPoint templates for presenters looking to incorporate this kind of designs in their presentations.

What is Modern Design?

Modern designs became famous after the release of the Windows 8 Metro UI, which was later renamed asย the Modern UI. Modern designs were revolutionary in the sense that they did not offer glossy and visually dynamic UIs. Instead, the user interface consisted of a minimalist layout with the use of solid colors. These kind of designs were later widely implemented across websites (Flat Design) and also for mobile platforms (e.g. Android’s Material Design), and very useful for preparing presentations on user experience (UX) and to achieve customer experience goals as part of a successful business strategy.

Although it is debatable whether Flat Designs today came as a direct result of the Modern UI, considering the flat design approach is older than Windows 8; however, the OS definitely had an influence on website and mobile UIs.

What is Modern design

Animated Modern Design PowerPoint Templates

If you are looking for Modern design PowerPoint templates, then here are some animated presentation templates that have been created using design elements similar to the Modern UI. These Modern design PowerPoint templates can be used for a variety of topics for making anything from slide decks to infographics, diagrams, project plans and the like.

Best modern design PowerPoint templates

1. Animated Design Depth PowerPoint Template

Design Depth is a presentation template for PowerPoint ad Keynote with a Modern UI like graphical design and slides with sliding animations. The presentation template contains animated slides which reveal content upon mouse-click in the form of sliding animations. This Modern UI inspired slide deck is perfect for making animated presentations with a minimalist PowerPoint background.

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Design Depth PowerPoint Template

Design depth presentation template

2. Animated Slim Arrow Design PowerPoint Template

Another animated presentation template, Slim Arrow gives arrow themed PowerPoint slides with animations that slide in arrows from different directions. Slim Arrow is the kind of presentation template which can help you make your presentations more interesting with the aid of smooth animations.


Go to Presenter Media – Animated Slim Arrow Design PowerPoint Template

Slim arrow presentation template

3. Animated Infographics Box PowerPoint Template

Presenting slides as infographics is an interesting way of representing complex data in an easy to understand layout. This infographic template gives box like slide designs which can be used for making animated infographic slides. Furthermore, you can also use the icon library given within the template to create new infographic slides from scratch.

The infographic slides are quite simple in nature due to the Modern design of the template. This makes it possible to use more space for presenting text-heavy slides in a more visually appealing manner with the aid of infographic layouts.

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Infographics Box PowerPoint Template

Infographics presentation template

4. Animated Info Ledge Infographic PowerPoint Template

With simple, flat design icons and graphics, this is the perfect template for making minimalist infographic slides. The sample slides sport colorful ledges with various replaceable icons. You can use the given icons or add your own to design slides in such a way that each ledge presents part of the information you intend to share with your audience.

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Info Ledge Infographic PowerPoint Template

Animated info ledge presentation template

5. Animated Timeline Toolkit for PowerPoint

This animated timeline template has some very attractive Modern design slides. The template contains more than a dozen sample slides with unique, editable timelines. Using this Modern design template you can create professional looking timeline presentations by simply adding your own events or milestones to the sample timelines. This is also an animated presentation template which has variants for PowerPoint and Keynote.

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Timeline Toolkit for PowerPoint

Timeline toolkit presentation template

To download more Modern design inspired presentation templates, see the link given below.