E-commerce has experienced an unprecedented growth in the COVID-19 era. Not to mention mobile or m-commerce seems to be becoming the rule rather than the exception. As many local retailers, medium-size and large corporations switch to delivery services to survive. Be it that restaurant that was too far from your radius that now has delivery for a wider area or the old-fashioned local retail shop owner who didn’t like digital devices. Everyone is going online to sell something. In the wake the rise of e-commerce and m-commerce, templates like the Animated Online Shopping Template for PowerPoint mentioned in this post allow presenting metrics for digital platforms.
Present Metrics for Online Shopping Platforms
With the various layouts and easy to edit infographic style designs, you can create and present metrics for online shopping platforms, for example the number of purchases per month, the stats from delivery services or important KPIs defined by your business analysts. This might include your website, mobile app or social media leads resulting in sales. The generic slides are easy enough to use. With elements that can be dragged around for reorganizing default slide designs.
You can even discuss how your customer surveys have been going or make use of charts to show trends, forecasts and areas that need improvement.
Map Your Target Market and Customer Journey
The slide deck has been designed in such a way that you can also create slides to map your target market. By identifying the specifics of the market niche that you intend to cater for.
Similarly, you can see the ecommerce or mcommerce channels that you have been using to map the customer journey. The 10 customizable content slides give you ample scope for creating slides that can help cover a wide array of topics related to online shopping.
If you want a template specifically for social media metrics, you might be interested in the Animated Social Media PowerPoint Template.
Go to Presenter Media – Animated Online Shopping Template for PowerPoint