Impressing your audience is really a very difficult task and it needs years of experience to get those skills. Public Speaking is a kind of skill that must be there in every business owner or employer. Whether it is to stand in front of your audience for a meeting or speech, in both these cases, good presentation skills are needed. Just like it is important to keep your audience engaged in your PowerPoint Presentation from start to end, public speaking of any kind requires keeping the audience interested and awake.

Become A Better Public Speaker copy

Here are 5 Tips To Become a Better Public Speaker. These tips should help you improve your presentation skills and might come in handy in your difficult time.

1. Have A Clear And Proper Idea

It is vital to think before you speak a word, as whatever you say affects people and the way they think. So a presenter most of the times fails when he/she gets confused or has no idea about what to say next, that too in front of an audience. This can make the audience feel bad about you. Always plan your idea and notes properly and give your presentation accordingly. For your convenience, always note down your important points and keep them highlighted.

2. Rehearse, Rehearse, Rehearse

To be prepared with your presentation, you must rehearse your presentation in front of a mirror many a times to see that how it goes.ย  It is also a good idea if you practice your speech on a small stage or in front of your colleagues. Ask them what they think about your presentation, they can better tell you where you need improvement and can help you in recollecting your confidence.

3. Audience Participation

When you are giving a presentation, the worst thing that can happen is that you may lose the audience’s interest in the presentation because for them, it can be a little irritating or boring to just sit for hours and listen to what you have to say. So it becomes important to keep your audience interested and encourage their participation.

4. Share A Heart Touching Story

The most effective method to engage your audiences is to tell heart touching stories. While the most difficult challenge for you could be to tell a convincing story, try and fill your story with emotions, drama, characters and humor.

5. Be Free

Last but not the least, at times public speakers try to advertise their services which is bad, as it can disinterest your audience. As sales can put a burden on your head so try not to promote but to be more into your presentation so that the others take a proper participation and interest. So free yourself from โ€œsalesโ€ and focus on your presentation instead of advertising, as this might yield better results.