Content plays a crucial role in the crafting of an effective presentation. It is the information that you intend to deliver to your audience. As you are usingย PowerPointย for your presentation, it is important to maintain proper balance between the content of all slides in order to convey the message.

Importance of Content in PowerPoint

The importance of content inย PowerPointย cannot be understated as it is one of the major tools that can be used to grab the attention of the audience. Theย overall structure should be well arranged and managed.


Following a planned structure with an introduction, body and conclusion would make it more organized. For more ideas, refer to our article onย Are You Able to Communicate Effectively along with Your Slides.

Beforeย preparingย theย content of your slides, it is crucial to have clear understanding of the topic. A thoroughย researchย would help to understand your subject easily.

Overloading your slides with too much of information can create a big mess. Adding each and every minute detail canย createย boredom and may confuse the audience. Here are some tips which you can follow to formulate a good matter.

  • Pick out only the important and meaningful points or sentences to insert into your slides.
  • Make sure the information you have gathered is from a genuine source.
  • Use simple language and convert complicated terms and terminologies into simple words or sentences.
  • Your points should be relevant to the subject of your presentation.
  • There should be one central idea per slide and it should be in connection with the upcoming slide to bring an overall harmony.
  • You can add a title to each slide so that readers can have a quick idea of what slide is about.

Your content can be in a textual form or it can be presented in the form of images, diagrams and tables. In general, a combination of all these can be used to create a good presentation. Have you ever heard about Content is King? If you need to save time and money you can download free chart templates for PowerPoint and diagrams that will help to design and prepare presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint 2007, 2010 and 2013.


The major aim of every presentation in PowerPoint is to get positive response from the listeners. If audienceย understands your point, it meansย yourย presentation isย successful. ย For an effective visual outlook of the slides, you can consider the following points:

  • Use simple and meaningful graphics so that viewers can understand it easily.
  • If you are using a table to represent some statistics, make sure there is sufficient spacing between different rows andย columns so that everything can be easily differentiated.
  • The font and color used for text should be eye-pleasing so that audience can easily read the providedย information.
  • You can use any theme and layout of your choice but make sure not to use vibrant colors and complex designs.

With a clear approach, one can easily create a strong content to communicate his ideas and thoughts with the audienceย successfully!