In PowerPoint presentations, Analyzing chart dataย involves utilizing data obtained from research and representing it using PowerPoint features, such as charts and tables. Analyzing quantitative data usually involves examining the results and identifying patterns and trends. Chart analysis shows the distance between high and low points as well as make predictions on increase and decreasing values over a period.

How to Use Chart Analysis Tools in PowerPoint 2010

Use a 2D bar or line chart for analysis. Click on โ€˜Layoutโ€™ from โ€˜Chart Toolsโ€™ and click on โ€˜Trend Linesโ€™. Trend Lines show the trend of a series over a period. โ€˜Linear Trend lineโ€™, โ€˜Exponential Trend lineโ€™, and โ€˜Linear Forecast Trend lineโ€™ tend to show the natural progression from a certain point.


chart analysis

The above image shows the โ€˜Exponential Trend lineโ€™ which is great for when values rise and fall at significant amounts. Below image shows โ€˜Two Period Moving Averageโ€™ which is very different from the other three in the list, it more closely follows the highs and lows indicated in the chart for a series.

charts powerpoint

The โ€˜Linesโ€™ section, is the easiest way of analysis from the Analysis Tools. Drop Lines goes from the top most points of the chart to the very bottom value. In the image below, it goes from the line containing the โ€˜Ideaโ€™ values and down to 0, the bottom most value.


chart ppt template

โ€˜Up-down Barsโ€™ simply show the different in valueโ€™s data points between the first and last series. In image below, the first and last series entered in the Microsoft Excel data were โ€˜Armani and Ideaโ€™. So the bars shown in white indicate the differences at points between these two.

error bars powerpoint

Error Barsย underย Analysisย section show errors for a certain series depending on certain criteria and equations.

All of these tools have their own options to change their appearance such as color or outline. Note that, the โ€˜Analysis Toolsโ€™are appropriate for 2D line and bar graphs. These tools work best for charts with multiple series and significant growth/decline over different periods.