Business Process Modeling Notation or BPMN gives a graphical representation of business processes. Making such models can be hard, especially using a smartphone or tablet, this is why the use of certain apps like Cubetto can make your task so much easier, with the utility to create business process models on the fly using your handheld device.

Create Business Process Diagrams on Androidย & iOS

Cubetto is a cross-platform business process modelling app for Android, iOS and desktop operating systems, which can be used for making a wide range of models, ranging from BPMN, EPC, UML to flow charts, mind maps and more. The app has an easy to use layout and you can begin making your models using readymade templates and examples.ย  cubetto-business-process-modelling-app


Create Business Process Models using Readymade Layouts

Cubetto brings leading modeling standards to help you create various types of models with easy node to node editing. Whether you need to create Value Stream Maps, ARIS based Event-driven Process Chains, organizational charts, mind maps, flowcharts, process landscapes, or Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams, you can get started with readymade layouts to begin creating your models using an Android device.


Export Models in PDF, PNG and XML Format

You can make use of the given sample layouts for making your models, and easily edit the given nodes to create not only business process models, but alsoย custom diagrams. Furthermore, you can export your models to PNG, PDF and XML formats.



Cubetto Video Demo

You can get a brief overview of Cubetto from the developerโ€™s introductory video given below.

Cubetto is a paid app which also has a light version which you can use for testing out the app. Furthermore, since Cubetto is a cross-platform app, you can download it for Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac, Windows and Linux. You can download this app for all of the aforementioned platforms from the Cubetto website.

Go to Download Cubetto