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Animated PowePoint Template For Making Infographic Diagrams

Animated Infographic Diagrams PowerPoint Template contains layouts with editable sample diagrams to help create high-quality infographic diagrams. This PowerPoint diagram maker template comes with animated infographic diagrams with editable objects.

Earth Video Background Templates For PowerPoint

Need an earth themed presentation template which can help make your dull content look sharp and attractive? Try a video background template! Below are suggested Earth Video Background Templates for PowerPoint with animations that can be customized to create awe inspiring presentations. The video backgrounds mentioned below can be downloaded in PowerPoint, Flash, WMV and […]


Animated Rotating Earth PowerPoint Template

World Grid is a PowerPoint template which depicts a rotating animation of Earth with grid lines. This animated rotating Earth PowerPoint template provides handy layouts with charts, clipart and a video animation of a rotating globe for making animated slides. This is a general purpose template which means you can use it for a variety […]

Animated Idea Think Tank PowerPoint Template

The light bulb is symbolic for a bright idea or the instance of coming up with a solution. Sometimes when presenting a new idea before investors or senior management using this symbolism can help better visually present your perspective. Previously, we covered the Idea Cloud PowerPoint Template, this time we have another animated idea themed […]

Global Stance Animated PowerPoint Template

Global Stance is a standard business PowerPoint template with layouts that provide editable charts, diagrams, bulleted lists, etc. The title slide of the template depicts silhouettes dressed in formal dressing standing in the backdrop of a globe.

Red Carpet PowerPoint Template With Flashing Cameras Animation

The Red Carpet PowerPoint Template is an animated presentation template which can be the perfect slide set for seminars, award ceremonies, celebrations and corporate events. The template features a red carpet theme throughout all sample slides, with camera flash animations.
