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Web Conferencing that uses PowerPoint as a Whiteboard

Being brought to use extensively in a variety of streams especially education and corporate, the interactive whiteboard has been getting a lot of attention for its on the spot problem-solving utility. There are a variety of applications and functionalities that have made it a known and recommended name for the presentation necessities. When PowerPoint Presentations […]

How to Duplicate a Slide in PowerPoint 2010

Here is a quick tip if you need to copy or duplicate the slide multiple times in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. CTRL-D is the shortcut to be more productive copying and duplicating slides in PowerPoint. By selecting a slide and pressing CTRL-D you can duplicate the slide one time, so if you press it many times […]


How to Make a 3D Cube in PowerPoint

If you are interested to make 3D Objects for your PowerPoint presentations or 3D PowerPoint templates then this quick guide will help you to convert your 2D shapes to 3D shapes in PowerPoint using perspective and Format Shape options. You can use the same techniques explained here to make nice 3D PowerPoint graphics like the […]

What are the Main Differences Between PowerPoint and Keynote

Presentation software from Microsoft and Macintosh have been demonstrating strong competition against each other. There certainly are some differences between the two, which are beneficial for some and confusing to others. For the advancing world, technological progress is important, but being understandable to others around you is also important. If you have paced too many […]

How to Add Solid Fill to Shape in PowerPoint 2010

You can easily change the shapes background options in PowerPoint 2010 and choose the way to fill the shape with colors, gradient effects as well as using images or textures. Here we will show you how easily is to fill the shape with a solid color in PowerPoint 2010. To change the fill options right […]

How to Insert a Simple Shape in PowerPoint 2010

PowerPoint shapes are a powerful feature that you can use to design awesome slides. Moreover, you can combine different shapes to make unique PowerPoint graphics for your slides and use the format options to add shadow, change the shape properties like border or use a nice gradient instead of a solid fill color. To insert […]
