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Tackling A Difficult Audience Using The Power Of Speech

As a presenter/public speaker, you are bound to walk into a hall full of people looking to just rip your speech apart and put you down once and for all. Just when you think this is going well, a sleazy cold comment aimed directly at your confidence would hit you out of nowhere. While this […]

Why Humour is An Integral Part Of A Great Speech?

Public speaking is an art, delivering a great speech needs much more than confidence and a well written speech that you have memorized over a span of days tweaking and twisting it here and there. It needs a personalize touch to grip the audience and engage them.


Animated Circular Diagram Template With Chevron Arrows

The Five Piece Interactive Chevron Toolkit is an awesome template for making circular diagrams for your PowerPoint presentations. This PowerPoint diagram template comes with editable circular diagrams which are shaped like chevron arrows with comprehensive editing options that can help you change the color and size of your circular diagrams according to need.

Animated Core Diagram PowerPoint Template

The Animated Core Diagram PowerPoint Template is an editable template for making core diagrams and to elaborate upon different levels of your models. You can use this animated template for making core diagrams for enterprise use or even generic models with up to seven different levels.

Giving A Farewell Speech At Your Workplace

Bidding farewell is always a difficult task, a rush of emotions and thoughts clouds your mind and you tend to blurt out things that you might regret. In a professional environment farewells are more of a way to say thank you as well as keeping things cordial while you are moving on in your career.

Why You Should Deliver A Speech And Not Read It

To have gone through all the crazed research writing about a topic you would rather read out your paper than present and deliver it to a room full of strangers and acquaintances. Like the writing part wasnโ€™t hard enough!
