Animated Source Arrows Template for PowerPoint by Presenter Media is a symbol and arrow themed template which comes with sample diagrams depicting arrows originating from source shapes. Each sample diagram depicts a specific source shape, such as a triangle, square, hexagon, heptagon, pentagon and octagon.

Animated Arrow Slides

The template contains animated slides with editable sample diagrams which can be easily edited in PowerPoint. The introductory slide depicts an arrow, along with six shapes on top of the arrow. All of these six shapes have sample diagrams in this template.


Animated source arrows template for PowerPoint

Label and Rearrange Sample 3D Diagrams

You can easily create your own diagrams by labeling the sample 3D diagrams. Moreover, you can also rearrange slide objects to create custom diagrams according to need.

Triangle arrow slide design

Reveal Arrows on Mouse Click

Arrows in diagrams are revealed at mouse click, which can enable you to better explain different parts of your diagrams with ease. You can label each arrow with relevant information and reveal them one by one in a sequential manner to make it easy for your audience to comprehend your presentation.


Square source arrow diagram for PowerPoint

You can also change the color and overall look of slide objects. This can be useful for making the diagrams resonate with a specific presentation topic where a color might represent something important, to make your diagrams depict your company colors, etc.

Heptagon source arrow diagram for PowerPoint

Instructions for Customizing Diagrams

The template contains three slides with instructions to help you customize your slides. These are the last three slides in the template and the primary instructions in these slides provide tips for changing theme colors.

Changing theme colors for source arrows template

This arrow themed template can be downloaded for the following:

  • PowerPoint for Windows
  • PowerPoint for Mac
  • Keynote for Mac
  • Keynote for iPad

Go to Presenter Media โ€“ Animated Source Arrows Template for PowerPoint (Standard)

Go to Presenter Media โ€“ Animated Source Arrows Template for PowerPoint (Widescreen)