With a modern design, with interconnected puzzle pieces forming various diagrams, the Animated Puzzle Diagrams PowerPoint Template is the perfect template for making professional diagrams and infographics.

Puzzle Diagrams Template with Animated Layouts

The template provides 14 sample slides, including a title slide, followed by diagram slides, each with its own unique layout. There are a number of puzzle piece layouts which give editable diagrams which can be easily customized to represent different concepts, models, processes, etc.


Animated puzzle PowerPoint template

Customizable Puzzle Pieces

As this template gives editable puzzle pieces, you can not only rearrange the pieces to form your own models but also recolor and resize the jigsaw puzzle pieces. If you are interested in merely using standalone diagrams, you can also copy them to your presentation.

Puzzle diagrams template for PowerPoint

The template itself comes with pre-enabled animations, which load diagrams upon mouse-click. You can even use the template as it is by simply adding text to each slide to present your content.


Change colors of puzzle diagrams

Process & Circular Diagrams

There are a number of slides which can be used for making circular and process diagrams, timelines, concepts like a product life cycle, Boston Matrix, SWOT analysis and the like. You can do this by simply labeling the sample diagrams which suit the specific concept or customize slides to fit in with your topic.

Circular diagram with puzzle pieces

Innovative Puzzle Diagrams

In this template you will find a number of innovative layouts with puzzle pieces that represent imagery which can be usedย for a number of presentation topics. For example, there is a slide which forms a briefcase with puzzle pieces. Similarly, there is a slide with a money bag. You can use these slides to represent concepts, statistics and topics associated with finance, marketing, revenue, sales, etc.

Puzzle pieces inside briefcase

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Puzzle Diagrams PowerPoint Template (Standard)

Go to Presenter Media – Animated Puzzle Diagrams PowerPoint Template (Widescreen)