Itโ€™s time to have a close encounter of the third kind; or maybe the fourth kind! The Sci Fi Playground PowerPoint Template is an animation laden package for you to create presentations and storyboards in PowerPoint, with clipart and images of aliens, spaceships, androids and more.

Make Presentations And Storyboards Related To Aliens, Space And Conspiracies

This alien themed Animated PowerPoint Template provides many suitable sample slides for making a presentation or PowerPoint storyboard for children or a mature audience. You can use the given clipart and animations to fashion slides related to anything from presentations about outer space to conspiracy theories like Area 51.


Aliens PowerPoint Template

While the template offers enough slides for making serious presentations, you can perhaps most ideally use this template for adding a touch of humor to your presentation topic. For example, if you are a teacher who needs to present a topic about planets and outer space, using sample slides from this template can help you make your slides more interesting; to help grab the attention of your students and to keep them engaged during the presentation or class lecture.

Sci Fi Playground PowerPoint Template

Customizing The Animated Slides

Customizing the animated slides is quite easy, as adding your own text and images is pretty much all that is required. once you have added content in the given placeholders, it binds with the pre-rendered animations. The animations in conjunction with your added text and images are played out when you switch to Slide Show mode.


Sci-Fi PowerPoint Template For Kids

Useful Clipart And Images

The template offers various useful clipart and images that can be freely used across different slides to help you create custom content with speech bubbles and suitable characters.

Animated Alien PowerPoint Template

The Sci-Fi Playground PowerPoint Template is compatible with PowerPoint for PC (2003-2013) and PowerPoint for Mac (2008-2011) and works with the following versions of PowerPoint. You can download this template in Standard or Widescreen format.

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