Graphs despite being an important aspect of many presentations can also result in death by PowerPoint, i.e. you might end up boring your audience to death if your graphs arenโ€™t good enough. However, making a graph interesting isnโ€™t easy. After all, it is just a visual representation of statistical data. One very effective method by which you can make your graphs more engaging is by animating them and if youโ€™re not good with making animated slides, then we have just the thing to give you a head start.

Animated PowerPoint Template With Editable Graph Slides

The Animated Assorted Graph Template for PowerPoint is a graph maker template that can help you create animated graph slides by simply editing the given sample graphs.


assorted graph slides animated template for powerpoint

Edit Sample Graphs to Create animated Graph Slides

Like other Presenter Media posts, this template too comes laden with visually appealing sample slides which have been crafted by presentation experts with pre-rendered animations. In other words, just edit the graphs, add your own data and youโ€™re good to go.

Once your data has been entered in the relevant textboxes you can present the slide in animated format. The different bars or parts of the graph will play out one by one when you run the template in Slide Show mode.

edit animated graphs


Create Slides With Different Types of Graphs

A graph maker and presentation template provides samples for not only basic bar graphs but also for complex graphs with core, bottom heavy and top heavy slide types.

editable core graph for powerpoint

Display Data Elegantly With Static and Animated Slides

The layout for each animated graph provides various textboxes which can help you elaborate each aspect of the data with precision. The layouts have been crafted in such a manner that they make it possible for presenters to display even complex statistics in an easy to understand layout.

All sample charts are available in the form of animated and static slides, as the template is divided in two sections, one with the animated editable slides and the other with the same charts in static format.

editable animated chart slide

The Animated Assorted Graph Template is available for the following:

  • PowerPoint (PC and Mac)
  • Keynote (iPad and Mac)

Go to Presenter Media โ€“ Animated Assorted Graph Template