As a child you might have played with building blocks. Little you might know that as an adult, you might still have some use for them! The Block Tower PowerPoint Template is an animated template for presenting your slides in a unique way, i.e. with the help of building blocks spelling out an important aspect of your topic in each slide.

Customize Building Blocks To Create Animated Slides

This awesome building blocks PowerPoint Template provides highly editable building blocks with a slide layout that is big enough to adjust any type of presentation content, including text and images. Furthermore, the slides come with animations, which mix with your added content to make each slide more eye-catching.


block tower template for microsoft powerpoint

Say it All With Just One Word

Sometimes it can be easy to project the basic idea of each slide with just one word. However, when it comes to making that one word standout, it might be hard to come up with relevant ideas. With this template you can present the entire crux of your presentation with just a few slides with building blocks spelling out your sub-topics. Of course, you can also add text boxes and images to further add content to your slides.

spell your topic with building blocks

Customizing The Blocks

You can customize the given blocks by using options from the Ribbon menu. You can not only change the letter in each block but also change the color of your blocks.


change the color of blocks in powerpoint

The blocks are also easy to copy and move, which gives you enough scope to create block towers with as many letters as you like; as well as with any direction you might be willing to display your letters in (e.g. vertical or horizontal).

customize building blocks for slides

The Block Tower PowerPoint Template can be downloaded from the link given below, in the following formats:

  • PowerPoint 2003-2013 (PC)
  • PowerPoint 2008-2011 (Mac OS)

Go to Presenter Media – Block Tower PowerPoint Template