If you want to make timelines with some novelty to grab your audience’s attention, then you might find doodling as a good option! The Animated Doodle Timeline PowerPoint Template is a timeline slide deck with a mix of animations and static layouts to help you doodle your way to a nice looking presentation.

Business Themed Slide Designs

The template is meant for presenters looking to make professional presentations. As strange as it might sound, considering the nature of the PowerPoint backgrounds this template offers; the idea is to provide an unconventional template design that can be both attention grabbing and adequate for business needs.


Doodle timeline PowerPoint template

Animated Timeline Slides

The template comes with tooltips with customization instructions. The slides in this template are flexible and even minor slide elements can be heavily customized. There are various sample slides that can be easily used for making timelines and project roadmaps.

Doodle timeline slide

You can also create timelines using the stick figure and staircase layout shown below. The different staircases in this sample slide can even be moved via drag and drop. Furthermore, you can also recolor slide elements.


Other than timelines, you can also use this sample slide for projecting various goals, achievements, forecasts and your plan of action.

Staircase timeline slide

Make Charts and Infographics

Other than timelines and roadmaps, you can also create your own charts and infographics with this template. The sample chart slide shown below is an editable illustration where you can reveal stats with a pie chart. The pie chart can also be recolored and you can add additional content like text-boxes to elaborate your statistics in detail.

Animated doodle chart slide


Create Mind Maps and Custom Diagrams

Since the doodle slides within this animated presentation template are generic, you can also use them for making custom diagrams and mind maps. The sample idea themed slide shown below can be used for mapping your ideas, creating a sequential diagram and a comparison of different aspects tied to your presentation topic.

Animated mind map doodle slide

You can download this doodle template for the latest PowerPoint editions of Mac and Windows.

Go to Presenter Media – Standard Animated Doodle Timeline PowerPoint Template

Go to Presenter Media – Widescreen Animated Doodle Timeline PowerPoint Template