PowerPoint Presentations in classrooms, were introduced to benefit both the learner and the educator. This was not only about matching steps with technology but also making learning easier and interesting.

However, teaching with PowerPoint Presentations is a critical task in itself. Many choose to download the ready-to-use ones, or subscribe to some education related website. But in this scenario it is like compromising with your skills, to adapt toย  a new concept.


Rather a teacher who knows her students personally, will certainly be able to deduce better on what will be moreย comprehensibleย to her pupils. Hence one should try to create these presentations themselves or at least tailor them, to a more graspable demonstration for the students.

Here is an overview of the advantages and drawbacks of using PowerPoint Presentations in teaching; along with a few suggestions on how one can improve its application.

Usage of slides

Advantage:ย These are not only interesting but with the introduction of the improved versions, their added features have enhanced their utility and appeal.

For teachers this is certainly useful to put across their points easily and more extensively. They do not need to draw or write down everything. Moreover, they can include extra information which might not be present in the book.


Disadvantage: Often these slides dominate the show, hence the teachers take a back seat and let the slides become the teacher. This results in loss of interest amongst the student and their queries also stay unsolved.

Suggestion: Let the slides only be your assistant, use them only to augment the teaching process. Do not put all your information in them and let the students read; they can do it at home through books.

Interval between two slides

Advantage: Including adequate interval between slides will aid in the teaching process. Learners are able to grasp the information properly and do not get bored, staring at the same slide for longtime.

Disadvantage: Often the pedagogue pours down all the knowledge and wisdom into the slides and then the students are meant to stare at them while the lecturer proceeds. In this scenario it is obvious that the student will lose interest.


Suggestion: Put down information intelligently in the presentation. Most should come from the faculty and not the from the screen. Make sure that you have ample slides which are changed at regular intervals; giving enough time to the readers to comprehend the data.

Illustrations and text

Advantage: This is the biggest advantage of using a PowerPoint Presentation. You can utilize both images and words. So there is hardly any need for students to look at the book.

Moreover you can make effective use of statistics, to put any information satisfactorily.

Disadvantage: If these are not utilized modestly then the hard work that you put in the preparation will go futile. There has to be planned usage of both illustrations and text, which is very crucial.

Suggestion: Try to blend your words and pictures, also ensure that text appears in simple bullet points while the images do not have to appear everywhere. Use them for information and interest creation.

Improving co-ordination while teaching

Advantage: Categorization and proper division of resources enhance the teaching and learning process. The teacher is able to focus more on the assessing skill of the student, also encouraging students to put forward questions and their thoughts during the session.

Disadvantage: There are instances where the lecturer keeps staring at the slides and the attention of the pupils tends to divert away.

Suggestion: Apply ideas and assessment methods to keep the interest of the student intact. Look at the class while teaching, because building eye-contacts is the best way of effective communication.

When creating your next presentation, keep the above points and suggestions in mind. It will surely support in preparing an efficient teaching module.