The advent of Appleโ€™s latest OS for mobile devices the โ€˜iOS 8โ€™ has caused a new chitter chatter in the tech sphere with everyone trying to come at pace with all that it has to offer and a new set of comparisons between two of the operating system giants in the present day, Android KitKat 4.4.4 and the latest rollout from the house of Apple iOS 8.

ย  Android Kitkat vs iOS 8

Both these systems have their fortes and points at which they fall just a little short of the finish line. Let us walk you through one of the most neck to neck battle between these two superbly crafted operating systems.


When it comes to iOS 8 VS Android KitKat, both the OS offer superb designs and icons when it comes to the interface. The icons are bright and crisp and while Android has gone in for a more saturated us of bright colours, the iOS 8 sticks with a minimal yet elegant approach. The notification toggle is one of the major differences between these two. Although Googleโ€™s Android announced and implemented the active notification feature Apple iOS 8 has taken it to a whole new level by allowing the users to respond to any notification without having to quit the ongoing application.

Hey Siri vs. Ok Google

Both Ok Google an Siri have been evolving over a period of time and while Ok Google already allowed the uses to of a voice based interaction the iOS 8 has given Siri similar abilities, the only issue here is that you can use Hey Siri based voice commands only when the iPhone is connected to a charger.


Apple has always been sort of a snob when it comes to opening up its SDK for third party applications but this trend has been broken this time with it allowing third party keyboard interface support and also has tweaked the already existing keyboard input patterns. So now you can enjoy custom keyboards on your beloved iPhone.

So as a user you have your hands full, no matter what you do just update to the latest version of any of these operating systems and make your smartphone smarter.