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What Are The Best Ways To Overcome Presentation Nerves?

If you come across symptoms like queasy stomach or sweating palms before your public speaking than certainly you are suffering from presentation nerves. Fear of public speaking is the most common of all phobias which affects every person differently. For some it may bring about excellent results and for some it may give a negative […]

Slides Web App: Create Zooming Slides And Present Them From A Browser

Slid.es (Slides) is a web app which provides a web editor for creating online presentations in a somewhat Prezi like zooming UI. Different slides can be added in multiple spots and users can navigate between them to view slides from four different directions, from any modern browser.


Bring Your Own Device: A Growing Trend For Businesses

For both the enterprise and small businesses, Bring Your Own Device aka BOYD is actually becoming an accepted business practice. It combines the workforce’s personal and business life and also encourages employees to use their own digital equipment for business purposes. In fact, individuals are more creative when offered the liberty of working from remote […]

Awesome Technology PowerPoint Templates With Tablet Design And Animations

While the PowerMockup add-in provides a wide range of options for making comprehensive UI designs, you can also use Animated PowerPoint Templates to get the job done. Tablet Toolkit is a Technology PowerPoint Template by Presenter Media for making presentations and user interface designs related to tablets.

Flash Blink Provides Android Notifications By Triggering LED Flashlight

During the summer season I find it quite hard to hear my cell phone ringing as it can get ignored due to the sound of the Fan, the air conditioner and the TV in the room. On top of that I often require using the headphone to proof read my posts using a text to […]

Few Tips To Help You Lose Stage Fear

The fear of public speaking can make you lose several big opportunities. Individuals in corporate, commercial and educational sectors need to speak duringย meetings, seminars and conferences. But, what to do when even the thought of public speaking creates performance anxiety and the worry ofย embarrassingย yourself in front of others?
