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Enliven Your Wedding Day With A Memorable Speech

As you all must have heard of it, marriages are made in heaven. But, when time comes to solemnize the beautiful relationship of a much-in-love couple, there are mixed emotions. No one can deny that it is the most special and majestic moment of a person’s life, but still there is some kind of queasiness […]

STOP! Don’t Commit These Presentation Sins

We have been there, in front of people to give a presentation. Growing up in this world usually revolves around giving presentations whether in school or whether at work! But most people don’t understand what all goes into making that one perfect presentation which your audience would love.


Building Blocks PowerPoint Template With Animations

As a child you might have played with building blocks. Little you might know that as an adult, you might still have some use for them! The Block Tower PowerPoint Template is an animated template for presenting your slides in a unique way, i.e. with the help of building blocks spelling out an important aspect […]

Animated Business Meeting Template For PowerPoint

Dark Meeting is an animated business meeting template for Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote. It comes with the animation of a meeting room amidst dark, stormy clouds. This template can be helpful in making presentations about business or product failure, important business aspects, market competition and the like.

Using Cue Cards To Support A Confident Presentation

When giving presentations, even the most experienced presenters need to hand some notes to jog their memory and support their script. So, ruling out cue cards to be symbolic of unpreparedness, would be wrong. Rather, cue cards are your confidence cards that consist of pointers or keywords to keep up the flow of your PowerPoint […]

Can Hat-Speech Contests Help You Become A Better Speaker?

Are you nuts?! I can’t rehearse and then give a speech and you are talking a speech contest! That would be anyone’s reaction when it comes to giving a speech but a speech contest is on a whole new level. An average Joe was once asked to participate in a speech but in his words […]
