Harvest has long been associated with the fall season. Many countries around the world have festivals to celebrate the fall harvest. This is perhaps why the name for the fall season (Autumn), itself means harvest. Harvest Time is an animated presentation template for PowerPoint which comes with a number of HD PowerPoint backgrounds, with images depicting the glory of Autumn.



Harvest and Fall Related PowerPoint Backgrounds

There are five HD backgrounds in this template, depicting crops, pumpkins, a corn basket and some beautiful dry leaves. Each of the five backgrounds are available in two different layouts. This means that not only can you use the slides in this template to create a presentation mixed with various HD fall and harvest backgrounds but even duplicate any of the five basic backgrounds to create a complete presentation deck with a uniform look.


Beautiful HD Widescreen Slides

This is a widescreen template with HD backgrounds, making it suitable for high resolution projectors. Despite the vibrant backgrounds the placeholders are legible enough to make your text stand out. This is because the background images have a lot of empty space, with well-placed placeholders that help the added text get easily noticed.



Perfect for Harvest, Fall & Agriculture Themed Presentation Topics

The backgrounds in this template make it perfect for presentations about the harvest and fall season, as well as presentations about agriculture. You can cover a variety of subtopics associated with the aforementioned, as well as various other loosely related topics such as; GMO crops, food security, harvest festivals, Thanksgiving, Halloween, etc.


Whatโ€™s quite impressive about this template is that the odd backgrounds mixed together provide a refreshing slide deck which can be easily manipulated for making professional looking presentations. The backgrounds are quite visually pleasing and easy on the eyes, which can help leave a positive impact on your audience.


Despite being a fall themed slide deck, the PowerPoint backgrounds donโ€™t appear morbid. In fact, the images with blue skies, pumpkins and crops can rather help invoke a sense of euphoria and optimism.

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