Teamwork is a theme that is important to explore during motivational presentations and team building sessions. Teamwork also needs to be emphasized when one is presenting a presentation to encourage junior members to work together, such as during brainstorming sessions and other departmental presentations.

Encourage Teamwork Among Your Workforce With Interesting Stick Figure Animations

Team Turning Gears is an animated template for PowerPoint and Keynote, which depicts stick figures turning a gear to make a process work.


team turning gears powerpoint template

Just Add Text And Images To Create Animated Teamwork Themed Slides

The benefits of using this teamwork PowerPoint template is that you can use animated slides with your own content to create slide layouts with a custom message, where the animations will do the job of complementing your presentation topic. There is no need for elaborate editing of the template, as all added text and images gel together with your content and play with the built-in video animations.

just add text and images to create animated teamwork themed slides

Create Project Timelines, Charts, Comparison Slides And Quarterly Projections

With the given sample content you can create anything from project timelines to comparison slides, quarterly projections, charts, tables and other types of professional slides.


The gear and stick figure animations enable you to keep your audience on board by incorporating your workforce symbolically in slides, such as by depicting stick figures as your junior staff members. This can help you add humor and interest to your presentation slides and also allow you to effectively get your message across to an audience, including aspects which the audience might have to take with a pinch of salt.

gear slide for making timelines

Teamwork Clipart Images

The template features handy clipart images which can be used across multiple slides with immense convenience. You can download this animated presentation template with the following devices:

  • PowerPoint (PC and Mac OS)
  • Keynote (iPad and Mac OS)

Go to Presenter Media – Team Turning Gears PowerPoint Template

gears clipart image

Team Turning Gear Video Animation

This video animation of stick figures turning a gear can be downloaded as a GIF image or a video file in Flash or MOV file format. You can customize and use this animation right within PowerPoint or with a video editing software.

Go to Presenter Media – Team Turning Gear Video Animation

team turning gears animated clipart