If you reached this website then you may be interested to download our FREE PowerPoint templates and backgrounds. As you can see, by default the download button is disabled but you can easily understand how we can let you download all our free stuff to be used for your personal and commercial needs. SlideHunter contains thousands of PowerPoint graphics, including icons, diagrams, SmartArt designs as well as complete PowerPoint templates that you can download for free. Our effort and time put to design the templates and provide them for free is very important and the only way we found to get some benefit from this effort is to provide a simple way to download the templates:
Methodย A: Tweet or Share the Page to Activate the Download button
By clicking the share button aside the download button you can share the page with your followers in Twitter, Facebook and Google+ and let them know that you liked the template or page. This will enable the download button and you will be able to download the work for free. Let’s see a real example by trying to download Lean Canvas PowerPoint Template.
Choose your preferred social network and click to share. Once the content is shared, the download button will be activated.ย If you don’t have an account you can create one for free or use Google+ or Facebook instead
Alternative Methodย (B) Sign up for a Free Account
You can become a free member of SlideHunter.com and the download button will be activated on all the pages, as long as you remain logged to the website.ย We are very serious about your privacy, we won’t spam youย and your account will be safe.ย Although we will use your email address to send you content updates and recommendations of our products.ย You can subscribe for free to our site and once you log in then you can browse our templates and download them.
Click here to create your free account
Now, it is time to browse our free collection of PowerPoint templates and backgrounds for Microsoft PowerPoint presentations.